Scottish Buddhist Monastery

Samye Ling Tibetan Monastery in Scotland
Scottish Buddhist Monastery
A Scottish Buddhist Monastery in Scotland? Yes, there really is!

Exquisitely decorated temple interiors
Having visited a few in Nepal and Sikkim I was skeptical when friends suggested a visit to the Samye Ling Buddhist Monastery near Eskdalemuir. This turned out to be a fascinating morning. I visited in July 2018 and I would strongly recommend it to you.
The buildings and icons looked radiant in spite of the showery grey weather. Low rolling green hills and forests surround this Tibetan centre. It nestles beside the river Esk and, although the scenery is definitely of lowland Scotland, it doesn’t in anyway look out of place.
Founded in 1967 by Samye Ling, this centre of Buddhist worship and learning is also a place to spend days or even weeks in mediation.

An example of the many icons throughout the gardens
The Garden
There is a bit of a garden at the Scottish Buddhist Monastery but in many ways that’s work in progress. The somewhat wild looking garden was primarily cultivated to provide food for the monks, residents and guests. It was lovely to see the river Esk flowing strongly through the grounds.
Venturing inside the buildings was a distinct highlight of our visit. No expense is spared in decorating these magnificent temples! Mind you they don’t look too shabby on the outside either.

Juniper tree festooned with prayer ribbons
The garden is full of Buddhists icons and it was nice to see so many prayer flags fluttering in the breeze. Some were tied to an apple tree and others to a large juniper tree.
This Scottish Buddhist Monastery is a very visual as well as spiritual place to visit.
So I’ll let the images do the talking.

Magnificent Stupa
So if you want a bit of peace and quiet and have time to sit and just let your mind drift then this is a visit for you.

Seated Buddha
Have you ever visited this Scottish Buddhist Monastery and was it a surprise to you?
Not far but further south you might care to read about my visit to the English Lakes.