Camassias at Brighton Park came to me as a complete surprise! We were there in mid May this year and as we approach the time to plant Camassia bulbs [autumn] I am prompted to tell you about it! [...]
I call it layered bulb planting but some call this “lasagna planting”. It’s easy to see why. Planting spring flowering bulbs in layers one on top of the other really does extend the flowering [...]
Mid-summer is the time to focus on dahlias. No other plant rivals the Dahlia for shear brightness and brilliance! Once the plant of choice for only the dedicated enthusiast, the Dahlia [...]
Hellebore trends are making a lot of people sit up and notice! We are witnessing a remarkable time in the life of garden hellebores! Perhaps it was like this when the hybridizing of roses began? [...]
Plug plants have revolutionised the growing of bedding plants for both commercial and amateur gardeners. Germinating seeds of some of our favourite bedding plants can be slow, expensive and [...]
I’ve been fortunate in visiting South Africa many times but still the sight of the Namakwaland Desert blooming eluded me. The Northern Cape, close to the border with southern Namibia, is [...]
Cape fynbos is found only at the southern-most tip of that great continent Africa! Fynbos literally translated from Afrikaans means ‘fine bush’. It’s an area of extraordinary plant diversity and [...]
I love to push the boundaries and grow exotic bedding plants! But what do I mean by exotic? I guess the term exotic covers most of the plants in our gardens but I’m referring to those that [...]
Roses, roses, roses! I shouldn’t have left it as long but somehow there is never enough time to visit all the gardens that you want to! My excuse is that there are just so many great [...]