Friends of Trees in PNW (Pacific Northwest of USA) is not new. In fact it has been around a longtime having been established way back in 1989. In those last 35 years almost one million trees and [...]
Borde Hill Garden had been on my wish list for a very long time. It wasn’t until late April of this year that I finally got to visit! The gardens are located in West Sussex in the south [...]
The Winter Gardens at the Hillier Arboretum are a relatively new addition to the garden. I had heard about this new feature in the Sir Harold Hillier Arboretum and it claimed to be the largest of [...]
Winter scented flowers during the Coronavirus lockdown seem more intense. As I take my daily exercise I’ve been struck by how important plant scent is. My daily walk takes me past gardens [...]
Plants to Deter Burglars in the Garden There has been a spate of burglaries recently and the usual powered garden equipment has been the prime target. It makes sense to lock this sort of stuff up [...]
Great winter flowering shrubs can shorten winter! Is that overstating it? Well perhaps, but it can certainly make those dark dank days of winter more bearable! It will be [...]
What Skimmia plant should you grow? Skimmia shrubs will not stop you in your tracks with showy bright blooms. They’re not the most eye catching shrub in a planting scheme – that is [...]