West Country Lupins have been developed high up on Exmoor. It’s not the place that I would choose to build a nursery but Woolsery is where that classic of the cottage garden the lupin has [...]
Moth Orchid is the number 1 indoor plant! Some background Once thought to be difficult and only a plant for the connoisseur, there has been a transformation in orchids! The moth orchid [...]
Downy mildew free Impatiens has long been the bedding plant breeders holy grail! That’s because Impatiens, which are often called Busy Lizzies, were the number one selling bedding plant [...]
If you want these fabulous insects to visit your garden then you must plant Buddleja for butterflies! “I’ve watched you now a full half-hour, self-poised upon that yellow flower”. So begins [...]