Galanthus ‘Merlin’, an old snowdrop, is just beginning to bloom [mid January] in my garden now. Of all the hundreds of varieties of snowdrop you might wonder why I’ve chosen to [...]
To grow periwinkle plants is not difficult! They are an easy to please plant that provides effective evergreen ground cover. This results in low maintenance gardening but also is good for nature. [...]
Sweet violets used to be a very popular cut flower. In Victorian times ladies would pin sweet violets to their clothes and hair. The cut flower industry is no more but sweet violets still deserve [...]
West Country Lupins have been developed high up on Exmoor. It’s not the place that I would choose to build a nursery but Woolsery is where that classic of the cottage garden the lupin has [...]
Our Somerset garden is now just three years old. We moved to South Somerset in December 2018 and bought a property with virtually no garden at all! As we approach the end of another year I think [...]
Christmas hellebores often fail to bloom at Christmas. But careful breeding has brought us gardeners a greatly improved hellebore. And one that always flowers before, at and after Christmas! [...]
Many of my top ten scented winter garden plants are mostly shrubs. But if you read on you’ll see that they are not all woody plants. What they all have in common is that they are remarkably [...]
Plants that reach for the skies! It’s the stuff of chocolate box lids. But there’s no denying that spires of Delphinium, hollyhocks and lupins certainly grab your attention! Now these [...]
What plants to buy at Easter might seem like an unnecessary question. But it’s surprising how many gardens look great around springtime but them lack colour at other times of the year. For [...]
To succeed with cyclamen it helps to know what they need! It’s possible to have cyclamen in bloom every month of the year! But I just love the way that they are just so right for this time [...]