How to grow figs – after reading this I hope that you’ll try it yourself! Figs are often regarded as an exotic fruit and many assume that they are difficult to grow. This is not the [...]
What plants to buy at Easter might seem like an unnecessary question. But it’s surprising how many gardens look great around springtime but them lack colour at other times of the year. For [...]
Let’s hear it for ivy but first – Some background info Ivy is a much maligned garden plant. Builders hate it and think [wrongly] that it pulls buildings down. It all too often gets a [...]
Climbing evergreen garden plants should be used more! Mention a climbing plant to most gardeners and they will think honeysuckle, clematis, wisteria or even a rose. Most of these tend to look [...]
Autumn Planting is best but why have we got out of the habit? When I left college and started my first job, it was common practice to plant your garden in the autumn. Now we seem to wait for the [...]
July rose care often gets overlooked. But a little effort now will reap dividends that in many roses leads to prolonged flowering. They say that roses grow on you and after the display that [...]
Growing clematis in containers is easy if you choose the best variety and use the right materials. I’m often asked to recommend a climbing plant to train up the front of a house. At this stage [...]
Clematis pruning simplified – there’s a lot of confusion and a little trepidation over when and how to prune Clematis! Since they are a diverse group of beautiful climbers, I guess that is [...]
During a wander around my garden recently (*) I was struck by the influence Chilean plants in my garden have on our late spring gardens! My first stop was by an as yet half grown evergreen that [...]