Galanthus ‘Merlin’, an old snowdrop, is just beginning to bloom [mid January] in my garden now. Of all the hundreds of varieties of snowdrop you might wonder why I’ve chosen to [...]
Camassias at Brighton Park came to me as a complete surprise! We were there in mid May this year and as we approach the time to plant Camassia bulbs [autumn] I am prompted to tell you about it! [...]
The winter garden at Anglesey Abbey had long been on my wish list to visit. I’d visited the excellent winter garden at Cambridge Botanic Garden many years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. I [...]
Now that bulbs are popping up everywhere in the garden I’m reminded that it’s time to get planting summer blooming bulbs! Daffodils, crocus and snowdrops will soon be followed by the richest of [...]
Shepton Mallet Snowdrop Festival is an annual event. It’s held every February. Snowdrops are at their best in February! This was our first visit to the Festival. We thoroughly enjoyed it. [...]
Bulb Planting Tips – my top 10! Spring-flowering bulbs should be planted from the beginning of autumn through to late December. Autumn is nature’s natural planting time and provides a [...]
Last autumn I was approached and asked if I would like some Dutchgrown bulbs on trial in my garden. I hadn’t previously been aware of this bulb supplier and so I was intrigued to try some. [...]
Shorter flowering bulbs are the perfect answer if your garden is exposed to strong winds. There is nothing more irritating than finding tall tulips snapped off by a sudden spring squall. Unless [...]
February snowdrops have lifted our spirits during this Coronavirus pandemic! They offer the promise that spring is not too far away and that better times will soon be here. I had hoped to visit [...]
If you’ve ever wondered how to grow bulbs for Christmas, here’s how to do it! It’s not hard, complicated or even expensive to do this and can be very rewarding. In fact, to grow [...]